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Revathy sampath

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 Revathy Sampath says she has proof of sexual assault claims against Siddique, accuses Riyaz Khan of sexual advance 

Updated: August 25, 2024 13:00 IST

By M.k.karikalsozhan  Blog  Reporter

 Revathy Sampath’s Bold Claims Against Siddique and Riyaz Khan

On Sunday morning, actor Revathy Sampath made a significant statement in response to Malayalam actor Siddique’s resignation from his role as the general secretary of AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artists). Revathy Sampath has publicly declared that she possesses concrete evidence supporting her sexual assault claims against Siddique. Her call for Siddique to be banned from the film industry underscores the severity of her allegations. In addition, she has levelled accusations against actor Riyaz Khan, alleging inappropriate sexual advances made during a late-night phone call.

 Evidence Against Siddique and Allegations of Sexual Advances by Riyaz Khan

Revathy Sampath's decision to come forward is backed by her assertion that she has proof of the sexual assault allegations she made against Siddique. She claims that Siddique's resignation is a strategic move to gain sympathy and distract from his alleged misconduct. Sampath's statement has reignited discussions about accountability and justice within the Indian film industry.

In a disturbing twist, Revathy Sampath has also accused actor Riyaz Khan of making unwanted sexual advances. According to Revathy, a photographer, without her consent, shared her phone number with Riyaz Khan. Subsequently, Khan allegedly contacted her and proposed a sexual relationship. These claims have added another layer of controversy to an already tense situation.

Revathy Sampath’s Decision on Filing a Formal Complaint

Despite her serious allegations, Revathy Sampath has indicated that she currently does not plan to file a formal complaint against Siddique. She stated that her decision hinges on the assurance of justice from the government. Sampath emphasised that her willingness to pursue legal action would depend on guarantees that her career and future aspirations would be protected.

Revathy Sampath's reluctance to proceed with a formal complaint is deeply intertwined with her past experiences. She has expressed distrust in the system, citing instances where her previous complaints were met with indifference or hostility. Sampath has recounted her struggles with police and other officials, who, she claims, further victimised her instead of providing support.

 The Struggles of Seeking Justice in the Film Industry

Revathy Sampath’s revelations about the lack of support from authorities and industry bodies highlight the broader issue of how sexual assault claims are handled within the film industry. Sampath has criticised the lack of empathy and assistance she received, describing her encounters with the police and the Women’s Commission as deeply disheartening. Her remarks reflect a wider issue where victims often face additional challenges when seeking justice.

 The Context of Revathy Sampath’s Allegations

Revathy Sampath's allegations are not new. She initially raised concerns during the Me Too movement in 2019, accusing Siddique of sexually assaulting her and locking her in a hotel room in 2016. These earlier claims, coupled with her recent statements, paint a troubling picture of her experiences within the industry.

Her recent comments about Siddique’s resignation and the alleged harassment by Riyaz Khan further complicate the narrative. Sampath's claims raise critical questions about accountability, power dynamics, and the systemic issues that affect women in the entertainment industry.

Impact on the Industry and Call for Change

Revathy Sampath’s ongoing battle for justice is a stark reminder of the need for systemic change within the film industry. Her calls for Siddique to be banned from the industry and her accusations against Riyaz Khan underscore the urgent need for more robust mechanisms to address sexual misconduct. As Sampath continues to seek justice, her experiences highlight the broader struggle faced by many women who encounter similar challenges.

The reactions to her statements will likely spark further debate about how sexual harassment and assault are addressed in the industry. Sampath's determination to ensure that her voice is heard and her demand for accountability reflect the broader movement towards ensuring safer and more equitable workplaces.


Revathy Sampath’s recent statements have brought renewed attention to her longstanding allegations against Malayalam actor Siddique and the new accusations against Riyaz Khan. Her assertion of having evidence against Siddique, coupled with her claims of inappropriate advances by Khan, highlights the persistent issues of sexual misconduct in the film industry. As Sampath navigates her path to seeking justice, her experiences underscore the need for continued reform and support for victims of sexual harassment and assault.

The situation remains fluid, and the film industry must grapple with these serious allegations and the broader implications for how such matters are handled. The call for a more transparent and supportive system for addressing sexual misconduct remains crucial as the industry evolves.

For those following this unfolding story, the focus will undoubtedly remain on the responses from both the authorities and industry leaders to these serious allegations. Revathy Sampath’s courage in speaking out continues to resonate as a significant moment in the ongoing fight for justice and equity.

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