google-site-verification=hYup0dcbM56eu_OoC3J-qZvngtEHBREmLgw704un5A8 google-site-verification: googlea4b76c074665ad85.html Israeli forces quit east Khan Younis, Palestinians recover dozens of bodies google-site-verification=hYup0dcbM56eu_OoC3J-qZvngtEHBREmLgw704un5A8

Israeli forces quit east Khan Younis, Palestinians recover dozens of bodies

World Fast 24/7 News
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Israeli forces quit east Khan Younis, Palestinians recover dozens

 of bodies

CAIRO/KHAN YOUNIS, Gaza Strip, July 30 

On Tuesday, the city of Khan Younis in southern Gaza saw thousands of Palestinians returning to their homes after an Israeli military operation, aimed at hindering the reorganisation of the Islamist group Hamas, came to an end. Residents were greeted by widespread destruction, as they sifted through rubble to collect the remains of their loved ones. Using cars and donkey carts, rescue workers and civilians transported the bodies to local morgues.

The Hamas-run media office in Gaza reported that the eight-day Israeli operation resulted in the deaths of 255 Palestinians and injuries to over 300 others, with at least 30 people still unaccounted for. The Israeli military claimed the operation had neutralised more than 150 Palestinian militants, dismantled tunnels used for smuggling and combat, and confiscated various weapons.

As the Israeli forces withdrew, residents began returning on foot and by cart, carrying what little they had left. Many discovered their homes either severely damaged or completely destroyed. According to the Hamas media office, over 300 homes were hit during the incursion, with at least 30 of them occupied at the time of the strikes. Witnesses recounted that the military had bulldozed the main cemetery in Bani Suhaila, alongside nearby houses and roads.

Among the returnees was Etimad Al-Masri, who walked over five kilometres to reach her home. Despite the uncertainty and destruction, she remained resolute, saying, "I am coming back and I have faith in God. I don't know whether we will live or die, but it is all for the sake of the homeland. Despite the suffering, we are patient and God's willing we will have victory."

Many residents, like Walid Abu Nsaira, have been displaced multiple times due to the ongoing conflict. Carrying his belongings, Abu Nsaira expressed a common hope among the people: "We hope there will be a ceasefire and calm. We hope that they act on a ceasefire so that we can live in security and safety."

As the dust settled in Khan Younis, Israel ordered evacuations in al-Bureij, in central Gaza, signalling a new wave of military strikes. Medics reported that an Israeli air strike killed 10 Palestinians fleeing Bureij and another four within the town itself. This latest escalation comes ten months into the war, with Israeli forces having already launched multiple operations across Gaza, continuing to target areas they previously claimed to have secured.

The cycle of displacement and destruction persists, with the residents of Gaza yearning for a lasting peace and the opportunity to rebuild their lives.

### Stalemate in Ceasefire Talks Between Israel and Hamas

The prolonged attempts to negotiate a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas have hit yet another roadblock. Efforts by various mediators to broker peace, ongoing for months, seem to be faltering once again. The latest impasse has seen both sides trading blame over the stagnation in progress.

**Hamas's Stance on Ceasefire**

Hamas is pressing for a ceasefire agreement that would bring an end to the hostilities in Gaza. Their primary aim is to halt the extensive conflict that has caused significant loss and devastation within the region. Hamas's leaders have reiterated their willingness to consider a truce that could provide some respite to the beleaguered Gaza Strip. They argue that an immediate ceasefire is essential to prevent further humanitarian crises and to allow for the rebuilding of their community.

**Israel's Position**

On the other side, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu maintains a firm stance that the conflict will only cease once Hamas is decisively defeated. Netanyahu and his government argue that a ceasefire without the complete dismantling of Hamas’s military capabilities would only serve as a temporary pause, potentially allowing Hamas to regroup and rearm. They stress that any agreement must ensure long-term security for Israel and prevent future threats from emanating from Gaza.

**Disagreements on Implementation**

Beyond the fundamental differences in their end goals, there are significant disagreements on how any potential deal would be implemented. Issues such as the disarmament of Hamas, the control of Gaza's borders, and the conditions for lifting the blockade imposed by Israel are major sticking points. Both sides have shown little willingness to compromise on these critical aspects, further complicating the negotiation process.

**The Onset of the Conflict**

The current war began with a sudden and brutal assault by Hamas-led fighters on southern Israel. This attack resulted in the deaths of approximately 1,200 people, the majority of whom were civilians, and the capture of around 250 hostages. The assault was a severe escalation that shocked the region and prompted a massive military response from Israel.

**Casualties and Humanitarian Impact**

Since the onset of the conflict, the Gaza Strip has experienced relentless bombardment from Israeli forces. According to health authorities in Gaza, more than 39,000 Palestinians have been killed, with more than half of the casualties being women and children. These figures, however, do not differentiate between combatants and civilians. On the Israeli side, the conflict has claimed the lives of around 330 soldiers. Israeli sources estimate that approximately a third of the Palestinian fatalities are fighters, underscoring the intense and brutal nature of the conflict.

**International Reactions and Analysis**

The international community has been closely monitoring the situation, with many countries and organisations calling for an immediate ceasefire to prevent further loss of life and suffering. The United Nations and various human rights groups have highlighted the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, urging both sides to return to the negotiating table.


As the stalemate continues, the prospects for a peaceful resolution appear bleak. The deeply entrenched positions of both Israel and Hamas, coupled with the devastating human toll, make the path to peace a challenging and uncertain journey. It remains to be seen whether international mediators can bridge the gap and bring an end to the cycle of violence that has plagued the region for decades.

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